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Subscribing to artists

All s have the ability to subscribe to 3 differen't artists, if you want to increase your limit and subscribe to as many artists as you want you must purchase the unlimited feature from the shop

How do you subscribe to artists?

  • Go to the artist page you wish to sub to for example tamagoro and click the subscribe button (example)

How do I know when an artist releases a new gallery?

  • You will get a new notification, check the bell on the right side of the nav bar (example)

How do I check who I've subscribed to?

  • Go to your profile page and subscribed artists will show below your favorites. (example)



What are coins used for?

  • Coins are used to purchase features, new features will be released as time goes and new ideas arrise.

How can I earn coins?

  • You can earn coins by either commenting (spam will be deleted and banned if you're caught) or clicking on the "Favorite" button. You earn 1 coin per comment or faved gallery. Click the url to check your history -

Where can I use my coins?

How many coins can I earn per day?

  • Currently there is a cap of 5 coins per day to avoid cheating. You can increase your daily cap up to 30 coins by purchasing the feature from the shop.

Can I buy more coins?

  • You can buy coins by using Bitcoin at our Hentaicoins website (if you don't have any Bitcoin you can and buy some at various exchanges like binance, kraken, gateio, coinbase etc.). Edit: Paypal is now available.


Subscribing to HentaiFox

Subscribing to gives you access to many features without having to buy them invididually with coins. Once you are subscribed you will have recurring billing every month, 3 months, 6 months or 1 year depending on the package you choose.

How do I subscribe?

How do I cancel my subscription?


Features, help &

  • stop DM'ing me about new features, if you have an idea send it in discord
  • for help and ask in our discord server


Having site related issues?

Please read this before you post for help is discord.

If you're having problems ing galleries or browsing the site do the following below.

First of all you must create an to galleries


1. Use either Google Chrome or FireFox web browser (this goes for desktop and mobile).

2. Do not use a shitty proxy or vpn as the issue will be on their end if something doesn't work.

3. Don't use multiple s to as this could be considered cheating.

4. Try disabling any 3rd party browser add-ons as that could interfere with s.


If you have any other problems related to the site try those 4 steps above to see if it fixes the issue. 9 out of 10 times it should fix the problem.


HentaiFox: Free Hentai Manga, Doujinshi and Anime Porn Videos
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